Encrypt second drive when the first is encrypted with TPM

Created: 2024-07-31

DISCLAIMER: This solution doesn’t work on Ubuntu 24.10, please see [Ubuntu 24.10 auto decrypt secondary drives workaround]

After installing a [Linux] distro using TPM as an option, the secondary partitions isn’t encrypted because the usual installers, like the Ubuntu installer, only encrypt the main partition, needing a workaround to protect the other drives.

To do that, you need to generate a key and insert it in the root folder located in the main partition protected with TPM:

# Generating the key
dd if=/dev/random bs=64 count=1 | xxd -p -c999 | tr -d '\n' > luks_key

# Moving the key to the root folder
sudo cp luks_key /root

So, the key generated will be located in the /root folder

After that, you need to format the secondary drive with LUKS and, after that, add the key generated located in the TPM drive:

# Formatting the other drive with LUKS, but you can use the Gnome Drive Formatter if preferred.
sudo cryptsetup luksFormat ${YOUR_DRIVE}

# Adding the luks_key after formatting
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey ${YOUR_DRIVE} /root/luks_key --pbkdf-force-iterations=4 --pbkdf-parallel=1

After formatting, mount the partition and check the encrypted second drive name in a file manager. In my case, the Gnome File Manager reports that my partition is named as /dev/dm-2.

Furthermore, to create an automatic unlock, you need to set up the /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab files, note that I’m using the partition naming (/dev/dm-2 and /dev/sda) found on my machine, so change the naming according to the reported in your system:


dm-2    /dev/sda    /root/luks_key    luks,discard,noatime


/dev/dm-2    /media/${USER_NAME}/DATA    ext4    noatime,discard    0    0

After that, the system should unlock the encrypted LUKS secondary partition while booting, using the TPM encryption to store the LUKS keys.


  1. The ultimate guide to Full Disk Encryption with TPM and Secure Boot (with hibernation support!)
  2. dm-crypt/Device encryption